The Jonathan Edwards Center has announced A Jonathan Edwards Encyclopedia to be edited by Harry Stout, Kenneth Minkema, and Adriaan Neele and to be published by Eerdmans. The editors have requested scholars to sign up for articles, many of which are still available. The project also has a blog.

Here is part of the announcement::

The Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University is pleased to announce that, in partnership with William Eerdmans Publishing Company, it will be producing A Jonathan Edwards Encyclopedia. The volume, to be published in print and online, will be comprised of some 450 entries, ranging in length, according to the following categories:

Long: up to 2,000 words

Medium: up to 1,000 words

Short: up to 500 words

Bio: up to 250 words

We cordially invite users of the Edwards Center’s website, subscribers to our online journal, Jonathan Edwards Studies, and other interested and qualified members of the reading public to participate in this community non-profit project.